
Furnisize allows shoppers to quickly find furniture which will fit the available space in their home.

Simply enter the required dimensions, type some appropriate keywords, hit search and any matching products will be displayed for you to browse through. Whether you prefer mm, cms or inches, the search form will let you enter measurements in the units you are most comfortable with.

Clicking on a search result will take you to the products page on the website of the brand selling the item, which means we do not take any details or payments from you ourselves.

In some cases, you may just have a nook in the corner of a room to fill, where you have not yet decided what type of furniture you would like to fill it. In this scenario you can enter just the dimensions, and Furnisize will provide inspiration as to what would fit, which may be a cabinet, a book case, a table or any other kind of furniture one can think of.

Hopefully you will quickly see that this is a much more convenient way of locating furniture than through typical sites where you have to wade through each individual description to descover the dimensions.

We will be greatly expanding our product catalogue over the coming weeks, so if you can't find what you need right now, you may have better luck if you visit again soon.

Furnisize is a Rising Kite website.